For several years now, thenex has been working together with its partner company B.C.E. srl from Italy. During these years, both companies have realized excellent projects and provided first class service for thenex clients in our main markets all over the world.
As BCE is one of the leading Burner and Combustion Equipment companies in Europe, with a high level of technology and an experienced staff of professional engineers and technicians, BCE is the perfect match for thenex. For both companies it is a top priority to provide best possible service to the end user in all stages of the project.
We would like to present some of our joint projects here:
2014 – First joint project, completed successfully in Trinidad & Tobago
Since many years, an estimated customer in Trinidad & Tobago has had reliability and performance problems on an old Idrotermici type steam boiler, originally commissioned in 1981 (85 t/hr, 47 barg and 395“C).

Material was supplied in good time before the required dates, so commissioning and start up took place successfully in October 2014. Following the successful installation, all operators were trained on site on all functions and features of the equipment.
The operation proved reliable since commissioning till today.
The satisfied customer has in the meantime decided to equip a second boiler unit with the new BCE low NOx burners. In short both boilers will also be equipped with identical brand new Burner Management Systems.
2017 – BCE & thenex working together in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
In 2017, BCE and thenex have performed the revamping of two Galleri steam boilers in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Both boilers at our clients site in the port of Jeddah are equipped with four fuel oil burners each.
First step was a thorough site inspection Summer 2015. With two specialists of BCE, Mr. Henry-J. Nientimp of thenex traveled to Saudi Arabia in order to visit the client, inspect the site and specify the clients needs.
Following this visit, BCE started engineering and production of two new Burner Management Systems with local control panels.
After successful engineering, production and shipment, BCE and thenex sent its technical specialists to assist during erection and start-up, during a plant shutdown in 2017. Continuous follow up and project management allowed all parties to be on track and time during every moment and stage of the job.
Start-up was completed on time without any problems, gaining good feedback and satisfaction from our client. The scheduled performance and safety levels guaranteed were reached immediately.
Would you like more information about BCE burners and combustion equipment? Please contact us at info[at]!